Our Philosophy
After more than 25 years practicing our profession in prestigious local and international law firms, TERALIA ABOGADOS was formed with the goal of continuing to offer our clients a very personalised kind of legal practice
We are convinced that our values are the key to our success.
Trust and proximity
We empathise with our clients’ problems. We analyse the overall situation and seek a solution that fits our clients’ needs.
We offer a comprehensive analysis of each case, our best legal skills, experience and maximum loyalty in our advice.
Our Services
Company Law
We provide advice to all kinds of enterprises in their business development, from their initial incorporation, through the various processes for adopting resolutions, including: performance of Board Secretary duties; preparation of and assistance in the negotiation of the By-laws, Shareholder Agreements and joint-venture agreements; advice in relation to commercial and tax law in corporate restructuring processes.
Advice to companies in the drafting and formalisation of the contracts necessary to carry on their business activities (agency, distribution, franchise, supply, manufacturing, toll production, leasing and sale of movable and immovable property, loans and financing, etc.). Assistance and advice in negotiation procedures. Local and international contracting.
Preparation of Codes of Ethics and Conduct Guidelines in the implementation of procedures and policies to allow the degree of compliance with their formal obligations to be verified, both internally and externally, thereby avoiding or, as appropriate, managing the risk of non-compliance.
Tax Law
We are specialists in specific areas such as international taxation, wealth planning, real-estate transactions, family business taxation and taxation in succession law. Advice to and defence of individuals and legal entities in proceedings involving the tax authorities and administrative courts concerning tax management, collection, penalties and inspection procedures, and in judicial proceedings before the contentious-administrative courts.
Litigation and Arbitration
Defence and legal counsel in all procedural stages of judicial and arbitral proceedings affecting individuals and legal entities in relation to civil and commercial conflicts – and, if appropriate, criminal conflicts (documentary, financial and corporate offences) – seeking to utilise all possible negotiation or mediation channels.
Competition Law
We provide advice on the fulfilment of the requisite obligations, avoiding the potential personal liability of directors and executives, and representing the company’s interests as creditor or debtor in the insolvency proceedings.
Civil Law
Advice to individuals and defence of their interests (i) in the negotiation and formalisation of all types of contractual relationships, including legal relations centred on property rights, horizontal property and leases and (ii) in the area of family and succession law, taking on, if appropriate, the client’s defence in civil-law proceedings.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Advice to individuals and legal entities over the various stages of business acquisition processes: LOI and MOU; Due Diligence; Share Purchase Agreements (SPA) and guarantees, including the preparation of legal documentation, assistance during the entire negotiation process and tax-related advice.
Employment Law
Ongoing general and specific advice on employment-related and Social Security matters, such as employment and senior management contracts, individual and collective redundancies and collective agreements, including legal defence and representation before administrative bodies and acting as legal counsel before the labour courts.
“We do not tell our clients what they want to hear and we do not offer them services they do not need”
We belong to Teralia

Jose Ramón Cadahía Casla

Borja Sanz Mardomingo

Borja Valgañón Solanas

Luis Siles Martín

Jacobo Martí-Fluxá Navarro

Aránzazu Ibáñez Acebal
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